Saturday, October 08, 2005

Local Siberian gal assists scientists in quantum leap forward in Viral DNA research, after a hunnert years in Arctic deep freeze.

My Dear Dr. Watson,

I'm intrigued with your theoretical assertions, this
shit is way cool.

These spook genetic docs fetched a sample of the 1918
Flu from a frozen dead woman from remote Alaska and
have duplicated its modus operandi documenting how
vicious poultry viruses leap into my big Finnish
snotter and do a major fubar rip shit tear ass job on
my lungs etc.

No shit, the 1918 Flu killed more humans than the
Bubonic Black Plague, but slightly smaller percentage
of all mankind. We're talking some lethal herpHepAIDS
dudes. This shit kills most folks in under 5 days.

My thickheaded lineage survived the Black Plague with
only minor organic disfigurement and minimal brain

Meaning a recessive trait like sickle cell anemia,
without malarial ass paint, went from being a blonde
haired blue eyed genetic weakness to a powerful
protection against plague, AIDS and a bonus package
of common flu viruses.

Cuz we blow goats.

Hooah! Where in God's Green River did I hear the
phrase, "Well fuck me in the goat ass?"

Actually, the recessive traits that distinguish us
Nordic Neegros, are also our exterminative downfall:
all us blue eyed Jews are goner dudes.

Professor Lou Tarrant speculated us fair skinned
fairies got only 2 hunnert years remaining afore we're
absorbed and vanish into the greater brown populace.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, as soon as I'm
assimilated. Resistance is futile.

The devil convinced this moron he's a fairy tale just
like aliens descending and breeding with our sexiest
monkey sisters hookin' at the Olduvai Gorge servicing
Neanderthals and silver johns with REAL big eyes.

Ain't prions in the brain, its all us ScandiNeegros
doing the Anastazi up in smoke disappearing act
leaving the planet in all your good, yet dick skinning

Go home immediately and hump yourself some bare back
pale rider. You'll be doing your community a service
by eliminating white trash, boosting your kid's immune
system and improving his good looks.

Bonus deal mates: better smellin' butt pussy and
manipulating future genetic events, all done with only
yer brown dicks.

After the extinction of us blonde jokes, I'm sure
you'll find some other physical attribute and
ethnicity to poke fun at.

Good fun. Wish I could be there. Extinction is only
funny when OTHER folks suck cold air, snort dirt and
fart dust.

Laugh it up faggots, the entire planet will be
overcrowded by brown people slugging through another
ice age led by tribal leaders no brighter than our
current aboriginal electorate.

Kewl aspect of ice ages, Alaska is always ice free.

Heck, you could to cool your boat drinks with a few
shavings from my frozen relatives.

Now that's a party.



Posted on Wed, Oct. 05, 2005

Researchers remake 1918 flu, look for answers to avian


Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO - (KRT) - Government researchers have remade
the deadly "Spanish flu" virus responsible for the
1918 global outbreak that killed up to 50 million
people, a resurrection they hope will reveal
weaknesses of the modern bird flu strains that
threaten a new pandemic.

Although the work carries some risk if the virus were
to escape from the lab, many experts believe the bug
would be less devastating now because people have
acquired natural immunity to related strains.

Working under high security at the federal Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, scientists
identified many of the genes and proteins that made
the old strain lethal, and rebuilt the virus. Mice
infected with it died within five days.

The team also concluded that the virus leaped directly
to humans from a source in birds - unlike lesser
pandemics in 1957 and 1968 in which viruses from
animals and humans swapped genes.

Reports on their work Wednesday in the journals
Science and Nature come amid signs of increased
concern in the Bush administration and among public
health experts that avian flu could spawn a new

A strain of bird flu that bears similarities to the
1918 virus has killed dozens of people and infected
millions of birds across Asia in recent years. The
strain cannot yet spread widely among people, though
experts fear it will acquire that ability.

By studying how the old virus adapted to people,
scientists hope to develop a checklist of key genetic
changes and track them as they arise in the new bird

"The point is to understand the implications of what
happened in 1918," study leader Dr. Jeffery
Taubenberger of the Armed Forces Institute of
Pathology said in an interview. "Are there any
parallels between 1918 and what's happening now?"

It took Taubenberger's team 10 years to reconstruct
the virus by piecing together genetic fragments taken
from the frozen remains of an Inuit woman who died in
Alaska in 1918. The flu killed 85 percent of the
residents of her hometown within five days,
Taubenberger said.

As it blazed around the globe, the influenza pandemic
exacted a greater death toll in a few months than AIDS
has in 24 years - a fearsome history that inspires
healthy respect of the virus.

The full genetic code of the 1918 virus will be
publicly available to scientists through the GenBank
database. That means a knowledgeable virologist in
theory could re-assemble the flu bug using the same
techniques as Taubenberg's group.

"The concern is that a terrorist group or a careless
investigator could convert this new knowledge into
another pandemic," Philip A. Sharp, a molecular
biologist at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, wrote in an editorial in Science.

CDC director Julie Gerberding said several
governmental review boards had assessed the risks of
bringing the virus back from the dead and weighed them
against the scientific benefits. One of the review
bodies was the new U.S. National Science Advisory
Board for Biosecurity, formed last year to guard
against terrorist misuses of such research.

The board unanimously "voted that in fact the
scientific benefit for this far outweighed the risk of
this being used in a nefarious manner," said Dr.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute on
Allergies and Infectious Disease.

Gerberding said the agency has treated the virus like
other "select agents" capable of posing a severe
threat to public health. The virus does not warrant
the highest level of laboratory containment because
antiviral drugs and normal flu vaccines are somewhat
effective against it. Gerberding said the CDC has no
plans to share the flu virus with other labs.

"We have erred on the side of caution," she said.

Merely sequencing the virus' genes would not have been
enough, many experts said. That's because the genes
interacted in the live virus in ways no one predicted,
resulting in protein changes that help the flu enter
cells. It also was able to take hold deep in the lungs
and cause deadly pneumonia.

"What's interesting is that this virus really is more
pathogenic than the sum of its parts," said Robert
Lamb, a virologist and influenza expert at
Northwestern University.

To make live viruses from the complete genetic
sequence, the team enlisted help from researchers at
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York. They placed
loops of genes called plasmids in animal tissue
cultures, where the loops could churn out copies of
the viral components.

"What you get at the other end is an infectious flu
virus," Taubenberger said.

When researchers modified the 1918 virus by swapping
in a key protein from an ordinary flu strain, infected
mice no longer developed a virulent form of flu. That
suggests a weakness in avian flu that researchers
could exploit, said study leader Terrence Tumpey of
the CDC.

"It represents an exciting finding where we can pursue
potential therapeutic and antiviral measures to target
this particular protein," Tumpey said.

In all, the researchers found 10 key amino acid
changes that allowed the 1918 flu to make copies of
itself and spread among human hosts. The recent strain
of avian flu, called H5N1, already has acquired some
of those changes.

And although experts had thought bird flu would have
to combine with another variety in order to spread
among people, the 1918 example shows it's possible for
avian flu to adapt directly to a human host. Such an
unmixed virus might be more lethal to people,
Taubenberger said.

Now that the government team has finished the arduous
work of deciphering the old, fragmentary viral code,
the step of creating a live virus would be relatively
easy for anyone with a decent Ph.D. in virology, Lamb

Yet Lamb, who served on one of the government safety
committees that cleared Taubenberger's work, said he's
convinced the viral work is safe.

One reason is that the ordinary flu strain called H1N1
is a descendant of the deadly 1918 version,
Taubenberger said. So modern vaccines and antiviral
drugs like Tamiflu still offer some protection against
the old virus.

"It did not actually disappear," Taubenberger said.
"Practically everyone on Earth was exposed to this
virus. For it to survive in humans it had to rapidly

Those essential changes probably also made the modern
flu less lethal. But it still carries an echo of the
great killer.

"In that sense," Taubenberger said, "it never went


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